If you are a sports fanatic, you may be interested to know that the Kayo streaming service can be downloaded to your favorite smart TVs, such as Element. Knowing how to install it can sometimes be a challenge if you are not familiar with the steps.

To watch an endless amount of sports on your Element TV, you only have to choose the sports streaming service you want. Keep reading to find out how to download Kayo to your Element TV relatively simply.

How to Install Kayo on Your Element TV

Installing Kayo on your Element TV might be the easiest thing you do all day. It’ll take you no time at all, and when you’re done, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to do it in the first place.

To install Kayo on your Element TV, you just need to:

  • Click the home button on your TV.Choose the Streaming Channels option.Locate Kayo and select the option to add.

Up next, we’ll outline each of these steps in a little more detail so you can have Kayo on your Element TV within minutes.

Click Element TV Home Button

For those who love watching sports on a regular basis without having to pay the premium cost of some other apps, Kayo may be just the answer. This is because while owned by the same company as Foxtel, Kayo is a much cheaper option.

Installing Kayo on your Element television is a relatively easy task to accomplish if you pay attention to your owner’s manual. The first step you should follow is to click on your home button.

The home button on most smart TVs acts as the control center of the entire program since it is the way to navigate to where you need to go. So, anytime you want to install an app, you will click the home button to get started.

The Element TV makes navigating to any part of the menu rather simple with the use of a remote that is similar to others. In most cases, the home button can be found near the top of the remote control and is typically larger than the other buttons.

As you learn to navigate the remote control on your Element TV, you will find that getting to various places is not that difficult. For the most part, the remote is labeled well to help ensure that you are choosing wisely.

The next step in installing Kayo on your Element TV is to navigate to the streaming channels portion of the menu. Doing this will get you to where you need to be to install any app you choose.

Once you have clicked on the home button, you should easily find the section of the television that houses the streaming channels you have chosen. Clicking on this will take you to the screen where you can find what you are looking for.

On the streaming channels screen, you will find a list of apps you already have installed, or it may be completely blank. This will depend on whether your television is new or not.

Find Your Desired App in Element TV Menu

Kayo is a great streaming service that is perfect for the sports enthusiast who enjoys watching all sports all the time. While there are certainly other services available, Kayo is fairly inexpensive and can be installed on your Element TV or other smart television.

The next step in successfully installing Kayo on your smart television is to find the app in the streaming channels available. You can either use the search feature to locate it, or you can browse through the various apps until you find it.

Finding the Kayo app should be fairly simple if you follow the steps listed here, in your owner’s manual, or from an online chat about it. Whatever method you choose, you should be able to find it without a lot of effort.

You should be careful as you are searching for the Kayo app so that you do not end up installing something you did not mean to install. This can typically happen when you are in a hurry to get things completed in a timely manner.

Choose Kayo and Add the Channel

Adding a new app to your Element TV can be compared to getting a present on Christmas morning. Following the steps can help you to become one step closer to getting the information you need.

The final step in installing Kayo on your Element TV is to choose the app and then click on the “Add” button. This will start the download process for you to begin using the television in a different way.

Choosing the selected app will initiate the installation process for Kayo on your Element television. Once it is finished, you can then choose to add the channel to your TV and move on to the final stage of the process.

Once you have selected your app, you will need to add it to your lineup of various channels on your Element TV. This will allow you to watch any sporting event on any particular channel throughout the week.

It may be important to note that if you ever change your mind about having the Kayo app on your Element television, you can deactivate it at any time. You will also need to ensure that you have canceled the service through the website, so you do not get charged again.


Overall, the Kayo streaming service can be added to your Element TV in a relatively short amount of time. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you should be able to start watching sports at your leisure.