With Google Assistant becoming popular we assume you also talk with Google Assistant. Certainly, since it is a smart choice as most of us use it. Those who want to control their smart home with sound of their voice Google Assistant works wonder. But what about your privacy?

Do you know each voice command like play music, make a call and others you give to Google Assistant are recorded and stored on Google server? Not only for posterity’s sake, but also to make Google Assistant smarter. Google’s home speaker works on artificial intelligence and these recorded voice commands helps it to learn and understand speech patterns better.

But if you are worried about data privacy, you would want to delete this stored data. But how? Is there any option?

Definitely, you can delete all this data by heading to My Activity. In this article we’ll explain you how to view, listen and delete Google Assistant interactions.

So, what are you waiting for let’s read further.

How to view, listen and delete Google Assistant voice recordings?

Accessing Google Home interactions is quite easy. Once you access My Activity section you’ll be shocked to see the data Google has and how much you use Google services.

Find Google Assistant Recordings

To locate and view Google Assistant recordings head to Google’s My Activity page. Make sure you’re signed into your Google account.

Here under Bundle view you can search for a specific activity and view by date.

To view Google activity, click on Activity Control.

Here you will see activities broken down into twenty-two distinct categories (approx.). These activities will be ranging from YouTube to Google Ads.

You can sort data by date and product or can click on each service to see stored data.

To check data stored by Google Assistant scroll down and look for Voice & Audio activity section.

From here you can pause voice recording by clicking on slider. However, doing so will stop Google from recognizing “Ok Google” command or will not be able to give personalized results.

To listen to recorded voice commands

Head to My Activity page.

Here you’ll be able to see all that you have said to Google Assistant.

Scroll down to see stored voice commands.

Now click on the Play button next to each recording, to hear and device if you want to delete or keep it.

To delete recorded voice command from Google Assistant, follow the steps below:

If you use Google Assistant a lot, then finding all voice commands can be tricky. Plus, remembering the exact date is not possible. Therefore, you can use “Date & product” option to make things easy. This option can be found below search bar.

To filter by date, click on the dropdown and select option of your choice. If you want to input date manually select Custom.

To delete records voice commands, follow the steps below:

  • Click on Manage Activity.
  • In the new page that open, you’ll be able to see voice activities. Scroll down through the timeline to delete all records voice commands individually.
  • Click on three vertical dots to get Delete option. To understand better refer to the screenshot below:

Using above steps, you can delete each conversation individually.

However, if you want to delete records voice commands in bulk you need to follow steps mentioned below:

How to delete all records Google Assistant voice commands:

To delete all recorded Google Assistant’s voice commands, follow the steps below:

  • Click on Delete activity by option present in the left pane of Manage Activity window.
  • Here, select the date range to delete voice commands stored by Google Assistant for that date.

Using these simple steps, you can easily clear data saved by Google Assistant. Moreover, you can now stay more safe and secure as you know how to delete recorded voice commands by Google Assistant.

Now you don’t have to think before saying anything to Google

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