If you are no longer using a Kindle account or if you’re looking to replace one, read on to find out more about how to delete a Kindle account.

Deleting a Kindle Account

There are two methods to delete a Kindle account:

How to Deregister a Kindle Account

How to Permanently Delete a Kindle Account

What Happens When You Deregister a Kindle?

Deregistering the Kindle will also make it harder to manage files. You should only proceed with this step if you are replacing your Kindle or if you are sure that you won’t be using the service at all anymore.

How to Cancel Kindle Unlimited

One of the crucial steps when deleting a Kindle account is to ensure that any active subscription to services like Kindle Unlimited is canceled. Do this step before or after you deregister the device to avoid getting charged for services you are no longer using.

To cancel Kindle Unlimited, follow these straightforward steps:
