More often than not, I use GOM Player to watch movies on my desktop computer for a variety of reasons. That said, at times, I do use the very popular VLC Media Player when GOM Player doesn’t support the video format that I want to play.

As you likely know, both GOM and VLC offer a number of keyboard shortcuts but they are not common. For instance, in VLC, we need to use Ctrl+Up arrow key to increase the volume. However, in GOM, the same can be achieved by just pressing the Up arrow key.

If you feel that the default VLC Player keyboard shortcuts are not easy to remember, you can replace those keyboard shortcuts with custom ones.

Luckily, VLC offers options to quickly customize the default set of keyboard shortcuts. Yes, we can customize the default set of hotkeys in VLC Player without the help of tools or extensions.

Customize keyboard shortcuts in VLC

If for some reason, you want to customize one or more keyboard shortcuts of VLC, here is how to do it.

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player.

Step 2: Open Simple Preferences dialog by clicking Tools menu and then clicking Preferences.

Step 3: In the left-pane, click Hotkeys icon to view all supported keyboard shortcuts by default.

Step 4: On the right-side, look for the keyboard shortcut that you want to customize, double-click on the same, and then press the new keyboard shortcut that you would like to assign. Once all customizations are done, click Save button before exiting.

NOTE: As you can see in the below picture, if the new hotkey that you have pressed is already assigned to an action, you’ll see the below shown warning message. Simply click Assign button to ignore the warning and set the new hotkey.

For instance, to customize the volume up hotkey, simply double-click on Volume up entry, press the new hotkey, and then click Assign button. Once done, don’t forget to click the Save button.

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Bonus tip: You don’t need to search the web to know VLC Player keyboard shortcuts. Simply visit above mentioned Hotkeys customization section to view all default and customized hotkeys.