Tumblr is a great public platform via which you can craft your own blogs for posting and sharing links, photos, videos, and experiences. Generally, blogging is meant for sharing stuff with people living in different parts of the world. Whenever you create and publish a post on a Tumblr blog or mostly any blog, so everybody including your colleagues, relatives, friends, and people across the globe can have a look at it.

Usually a blogger writes to share ideas with the whole world. But, sometimes you may wish to share it with a select few people. This is when the need of a private blog arises.

Fortunately, you can create a private Tumblr blog by making it a password-protected blog.

Constraints for Creating Private Tumblr Blogs

Before we discuss the details, let us first know the limitations for creating such blogs.

First and foremost, you cannot make your first or default Tumblr blog private, which means only secondary Tumblr blogs can become private.

Second, for customizing your extra tumblelog html, let your browser keep the password.

Create a New Private Tumblr Blog

To make a private Tumblr blog, you will first have to create a public Tumblr blog. This is done by ‘default’. Tumblr does not allow you to convert your default blog into a password protected one.

You need to add a second free blog and then make it private.

To make the second blog private, click the down arrow next to name of your blog.

Next, click on the Create a new blog link. This will open the Create a new private blog page where you need to provide the title and address of the new blog.

To make it private in the Privacy section, select the Password protect this blog check box and enter a suitable password in the text box below. Finally, click the Create Private Blog button.

Congrats! You have created a private Tumblr blog. A new dashboard is displayed now, for posting photos, links, text, quotes, audios, and more.

This blog will only be visible to those with whom you share your password.

How to Convert an Existing Secondary Blog into Private

If you have an existing second Tumblr blog, you can make it private without creating a new one.

How to View the Private Blog


To see the blog, visit the URL you provided as address in while creating the blog. The browser will now ask for the password that you have and you need to enter the same in the box.

Finally, click the Confirm button to see the blog content.

To do so, open the dashboard of your second blog. You will see the first public blog by default, to open the dashboard of secondary blog, click the arrow next to the blog name.

Now, click Customize to display the Customize page. Next, click the Advanced tab.

Select the Password protect this blog check box, enter a suitable password, clear the next two check boxes under Directory, and click the Save + Close button.

Your secondary blog is now protected with a password.

In conclusion…

No matter what you’re blogging about, sometimes you want to keep it a bit private.  Tumblr makes it somewhat complicated to have a private blog, but once you have setup one, it is really amazing. Your visitors will only have to enter a password, you have shared with them to access the blog. It is much easier than many other systems where you have to first have an account.  Now you can post and share it with selected people.

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