If you own an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, then you might have found something interesting about the home button. Apple experiments a lot with the home button.

This time it is not a ‘hard button’ which you can press. It is a soft button and you get a haptic feedback according to your gestures on it. The home button is now loaded with Apple’s tactic engine. You feel a light vibration when you press the home button. Do you know that you can change the feel of this vibration of the home button? Sounds interesting? Let us find out how you can do this.

  • From the home screen of your iPhone Go to Settings > General > Home Button.
  1. Here you will see three options 1,2 and 3. Select any one of theme and then press home button to get your desired feel. You can try single tap, double tap, according to your preferences.3. After choosing a button of your choice tap on Done.

Also Read: 7 Things to Expect from the New iPhone 7

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