We often find ourselves in one or the other social media app. It has become an integral part of our lives and sometimes it’s seen to be overpowering all necessary tasks.  See how people would look if you remove smartphones from their lives.

Delaying or Postponing things is a big problem and achieving goals seems impossible with this habit. This is seen as a bigger issue with the increased use of smartphones in our daily life. Surprisingly, the solution also lies within our phones as there are several apps that can help us beat procrastination.

We fail to realize that addiction to smartphones has changed us in a way that we don’t value spending time with our families and friends as much. Therefore, it is important for us to kick this habit and utilize our time more wisely.

Listed below are some apps that can help curb smartphone addiction & avoid delays caused by pointless dilly-dallying.

Best Anti- Procrastination Apps

We went through a lot of research to find the best apps for you on Android and iOS:

 1. Social Fever-


Our favorite app amongst all is Social fever (For Android only)

Limit your smartphone addiction with this Android app which will help you avoid Procrastination. It will track the time spent on each social media app individually that will, in turn, remind you to prioritize work over social media. It is available for the latest Android  OS as well and you get accurate tracking results for phone usage.

This Anti- Procrastination app also suggests doing a lot of activities that we usually ignore because of our addiction to social media. It will keep a real-time track of your smartphone usage. so you can send reminders for exceeding the time limit of your smartphone usage. It is an advanced app with real-time tracking which helps you keep track of the time spent on apps and sends you reminders when you exceed limits.

Key Features-

  • Set goals to prioritize the active hours on social media apps.
  • Get the details on the Summary page to analyze your on-screen time.
  • Keeps the eye and ear health in check with the reminders.
  • Water Intake reminders to help you stay healthy.

This will eventually help you to save time and manage things properly so that you can get back to your work and finish it on time.

2. [email protected]

This app uses music to curb the situation where we can’t seem to get ourselves to be productive. This anti-procrastination app will help you focus on your life goals once again. This will be good for maintaining a job, education, and lifestyle. This has a huge database that was collectively formed after research for what music helps you get out of procrastination. The users have been contributing ever since with what worked best for them. You can work efficiently with no distractions and thus provide a lot more work at the same time which is otherwise being wasted.

It is a free anti-procrastination app which is available for both Android and iOS. It basically works on how our brain functions and responding to a certain type of music will calm it and encourage finishing work rather than procrastinating.

Get it for Android.

Get it for iOS.

3. Yelling Mom-

Just as you can sense it from the name itself, the app works for you to work under invigilation. Not literally but with several reminders which will, in turn, keep track of your activity. This procrastination app which will let you add tasks for which you are assigned set time. Now you will keep getting notifications for it and if you are finished with the work you can close the task. Like our mothers, the app also wants the best for us and thus you are receiving the same support here. The app is divided in Today, Tomorrow and Someday format where you can add tasks.

This is very useful for students, as you keep track of your homework or assignments to complete. Yelling Mom sets the time intervals for you to keep time for you but first finish the tasks. As this anti-procrastination app keeps track of your time spent every time you do not finish the work, this will help you analyze.

Get it for iOS.

 4. Finish-

This procrastination app is how you give a time limit for something and then stop only when it finishes. The app has a focus mode which lays emphasis on the most important tasks and shows the notifications for them. Finish app is a perfect app for how to avoid procrastination as it will include everything. Set goals to perform the tasks in short time duration or to finish something long term which can extend to ten or more days.

It will keep reminding you about the due tasks and not let you stay idle for more time. If you are looking for something to make a change in your life, get this app for your iOS devices now.

5. Procaster-

Procaster is an anti procrastination app that will motivate you alongside to help you get rid of this problem. It will provide rewards each time you finish a task on time. Also the prompt messages help you get back to work and not waste time with other acts. The app provides you with the Start and Pause button in the Procaster mode so it can identify the time spent in between this task. As soon as you realize the problem you will be able to recover the time wasted. And try to avoid the activities which are consuming your time and keep you away from the main task. The Procaster has a cloud backup which lets you check your tasks on different platforms.

Wrapping Up:

Hope these apps will help you get rid of procrastination and you will eventually learn how to deal with the habit of delaying using these apps. You can download any of these apps and get back to your work without wasting time any more. Fight procrastination with any of these apps recommended by us from the list above.

Note: This app has been discontinued.

Please let us know in the comments section if any of the above were helpful. We would be glad if we could help.

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