We’ve been hearing a lot about Microsoft’s plan to launch a whole new Xbox gaming system dubbed the Scorpio at E3 2016. It is expected to be 4-times times the power of the Xbox One due to the rumored 6teraflops hardware specifications. However, what truly got us thinking is the possible connection to the Oculus Rift.

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For those who are unaware, the Oculus Rift is the most talked about VR device available on the market right now. In many ways, this is the device that brought interest back to a market that was almost non-existent. Now we have several competitors in the space, and these includes the likes of the HTC Vive and PlayStation VR.

Microsoft for all its worth, doesn’t have a working VR device that is ready for release any time soon. The company is busy in its attempts to get its AR device, HoloLens, up and running in hopes to give consumers and business operators a whole new experience.

We expect this device to also support the Xbox platform, but from all indication, this won’t be happening any time soon. This means, Microsoft will have to find a way to get itself in the VR space, and the Oculus Rift is definitely the right fix.

In the past, Microsoft announced a working partnership with Oculus VR where the Xbox One is concerned. We believe this partnership will include the new Xbox due to recent alleged leaked information. If this is true, then the new Xbox could become the most important and best console for VR.

Already, there are nearly 100 video games available for the Oculus Rift, and by 2017, we expect that number to skyrocket. Whenever the new Xbox hit the market, developers who have already created games for the Oculus Rift, will likely be interested in porting their games to this new platform.

Chances are, several video game developers will port their content to the new Xbox. Seeing as the games are already Oculus Rift playable on Windows PC, porting shouldn’t be much of a hassle.

At the end of the day, the new Xbox will launch with hundreds of Oculus Rift VR games on the market, and as such, it would then be up to Microsoft and the Oculus team to get these developers to port their games to the new system. That shouldn’t be a problem at all.

For this to work out, the new Xbox would have to be priced competitively with the rumored PlayStation Neo. Microsoft cannot make the same mistake it did with the Xbox One.

Interested in owning the Oculus Rift? It can be had right now from the Microsoft Store.


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  • oculus riftVRxbox

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