Having a healthy baby is what every parent wishes for! But the time duration in which they grow, and nurture is very essential in many terms including finding out if they are lagging in some health or behavioral aspects. One aspect that everyone is concerned about and asked even by the doctors to keep in mind is Autism. So what is it?

What Is Autism?

Autism is a neurobehavioral condition that often develops in the early age of a child, somewhere around 12 months, and shows some complex signs in him. These signs include problems in straight eye contact, showing no response when called, poor skills in playing games, retarded communication method and showing repetitive behavior.

How Technology Cuts The Barriers Of Autism World?

Yet with booming tech-life, you can always look forward to assistive technology and help your child to move ahead smartly along with motivating him for a positive outcome. Let’s see how tech is changing the world of autism stoics.

1. Improve Communication Skills

According to Indiana Resources Center Of Autism, 20-30% autistic individuals find it hard to communicate verbally and rely on either augmentative communication devices or other apps. Various apps like Autism Therapy with MITA, Sensory Baby, ABC Kids, etc. are helpful for the kids or adults to gain insights towards clear communication.

2. Speech Generating Devices

Devices like communication boards or talking keyboards help in sending typed text into speech so that an autistic individual can communicate easily, even being non-verbal. These assistive technology devices can help in conquering speech impairment with a robust language system at its back, being handy in nature and provides alternative methods to select words, letters or messages.

3. Video Modeling

This concept revolves around everyone that surrounds an autistic person, be it home or school. YouTube is already a winner with thousands of videos that helps in improving various skills of a person. Of course, a motivational parent or teacher needs to support along with assistive technology in education. Moreover, these videos help in learning a plethora of skills and daily activities of hygiene, job tasks, etc.

Some channels that we can recommend here:

AEIOU Foundation for Children with Autism: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCou6gPkhH5ddfb2TTONR4og

Fathering Autism: https://www.youtube.com/user/FatheringAutism

Autism Family: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Wa8Py59GIazwSzvC8v1Hg

4. Online Motivational Games

Accept it or not, an autistic person requires a whole lot of motivation apart from assistive technology. And this is where again technology can act as right-hand through apps or games where rewards are presented to the person if he/she acts in the right direction. You can use an iPad or download the app on a big-screen phone to teach the person in an effective manner.

Training games like ‘Eric Goes to the airport’ or ‘Robbie The Robot’ teach ethics and behavior at public places or they can learn socialization using multiplayer games played together with family.

 5. Power Of Social Media

Talking to other people through social media can expose autistic individuals to a different world based on their likes & dislikes. Those who are scared of socializing physically have this method to open up. Understanding lifestyle and culture through various visuals via social media is a powerful tool through which technology can assist autism.


We understand that Autism is not a setback until you take it in such a manner. Yes, there are various problems that show their ugly face in between but nothing could be better than you are scrolling this blog to motivate yourself.

Yes, a good and guided technological assistance is helpful in bringing out the right direction. From assistive technology devices/methods to speech-generating devices, your attention can decide the degree of requirement.

We appreciate your strong attitude and wish you good luck for the same. Any comments and feedback are most welcome in the comment section below along with valuable suggestions. With this, we would like you to follow our Facebook and Twitter page for more updates about the world of technology.

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