Conan Exiles is one of the best role-playing games that challenges players to stay alive in a harsh environment where only the strongest live.
Compete with friends and other players by setting up your own server
Setting up a Conan Exiles private server allows you to play with friends and other players easily.
Conan Exiles has a dedicated server that you install and set up from your Steam Library tools.
For more efficiency, you might need to use a third-party server host.
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At the same time, the game has also tested player patience since its launch. Many gamers have reported server connection issues, but the good news is that Funcom recently fixed most of these bugs.
Conan Exiles has a limited number of public servers, but fans can create their own to spend time with just the people they want to play with. If you’re interested in creating your own Conan Exiles server, follow the steps listed in this guide.
Can you make private servers on Conan Exiles?
As mentioned earlier, Conan Exiles’ public servers are limited. Hence, it will be difficult for all gamers to play in multiplayer mode.
Thankfully, gamers can create their private servers and play with a specific number of people. With this, you can enjoy the game with other players online.
How do I run the dedicated Conan Exiles server?
To run a dedicated private Conan Exiles server, you need to set it up from the settings. After the setup, you need to configure the server before you can run it.
All these will be detailed in the next section of this guide.
How do I set up my own dedicated Conan Exiles server?
1. Set up Conan Exiles private server with SteamCMD
1.1. Create the server
Download SteamCMD.
Extract the content of the .zip file.
Open a terminal window on the folder you chose.
Create a different folder to install the server into, for example, C:Exiles.
To create the server, run these commands: login anonymousforce_install_dir C:YOURFOLDERNAMEHEREapp_update 443030quit
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Expert tip:
1.2. Running the server
- Make sure you do not have a Steam client running.
- If you do, you’ll see some errors regarding Steam DLLs that you can ignore.
- From C:Exiles, run the ConanSandboxServer.exe file.
- By default, it will listen on UDP ports 27015 and 7777.
- Add an exception in your firewall to get the server to appear in the Steam server browser.
- Use the following command line parameters: ConanSandboxServer.exe -log -MaxPlayers=16-logMaxPlayers=70ServerName=ConanExilesServerMULTIHOME=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd (select network interface by ip)QueryPort=27015 (steam queryport)
- Specify the following settings in the Engine.ini file located at this address: ConanSandboxSavedConfigWindowsServerEngine.ini [/script/onlinesubsystemutils.ipnetdriver]NetServerMaxTickRate=30[OnlineSubsystemSteam]ServerName=YOUR_SERVER_NAME_HEREServerPassword=YOUR_DESIRED_PASSWORD_HERE
- You can also add other server settings in the Game.ini file (ConanSandboxSavedConfigWindowsServerGame.ini): [/script/engine.gamesession]MaxPlayers=70
If you don’t want to use this manual method, you can download the latest version of the Conan Exiles dedicated server app.
2. Set up your Conan Exiles server with Host Havoc
You can easily set up your Conan Exiles game server using Host Havoc with a custom control panel where you can change maps and install further modifications to your server in seconds.
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We suggest you try this high-performance server with excellent 24/7 technical support that helps you fix any issue easily. You can follow their tutorial about creating your server to do great installing.
Here are some of its main features:
- Instant Server Setup
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With a powerful control suite, unique features, and installers, this server hosting is quite simple for novice and advanced users.
How much does a private server cost Conan Exiles?
The cost of owning a private server for Conan Exiles on PC depends on the host. Also, it depends on the number of players you want to allow on the server.
Host Havoc
High-performance hosting services with DDoS protected networks and 24/7 support.
So, there is no general price to look forward to. However, you can choose a budget-friendly host like Host Havoc.
When you set up your Conan Exiles private server, it removes the limitation of playing the single-player mode alone. With this, you can compete with your friends on the highest level in multiplayer mode.
While we are still at it, if you need the list of the best game server control panels to download for free, you can check our guide on the topic for some excellent options to use.
Feel free to let us know in the comments below if you encounter any problem setting up your server.
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- Conan Exiles
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