If you are looking for an effective way to fix H1Z1 you have been disconnected, go through this article.

  • If you have been disconnected in the H1Z1 Battle Royal game, restart your PC and router as the first step.

  • Though updating the network adapter can fix this problem for some users, a decent internet connection ensures a better online gaming experience.

  • Refrain from using unethical methods to get advantages in-game as it may cause your account to be flagged by the server and disconnected.

  • While disabling the firewall may help, you still need to go through other methods to fix h1z1 you have been disconnected.

  • Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).

  • Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.

  • Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance

  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

H1Z1 Battle Royal is one of the most popular multiplayer games out there. Recently the new management changed its name to just Z1 Battle Royal. 

Due to its popularity and glory in the gaming world, some people still refer it as H1Z1 Battle Royal. For being a free game, anyone can play it.

Even though this game has been trilling the gamers for years, some server connectivity problems can interrupt the experience.

Some gamers often get disconnected from the multiplayer server and get a message, You have been disconnected. Sometimes, It can ruin your day by appearing repeatedly.

What elements can cause the You have been disconnected in H1Z1 Battle Royal?

Any type of tools that give you unethical advantages in H1Z1 can be the major reason behind this problem. Not only in the H1Z1 Battle Royal, but this type of tool can also be the perfect reason you have been banned from any game server.

A flagged or banned account will always experience you have been disconnected or other similar errors. Besides the hacking tools, there can be more reasons behind this problem in H1Z1.

After doing research, we have found the following things that are the known and most common reasons behind H1Z1 server connection interruption.

  • Faulty Network Adapter
  • Cheat Engine or any other third-party Hacking tools
  • Proxy network
  • Internet Connection problem
  • Poor VPN
  • Security programs
  • Abnormal activity in your network
  • You have been flagged/banned

It is effortless to fix h1z1 you have been disconnected error. So, If you are one of the users who have been experiencing this problem, don’t worry.

How do I fix the H1Z1 you have been disconnected error?

1. Update Network Adapter

  • Open the Start Menu.
  • Type device manager and press enter to open Windows Device Manager.
  • Expand Network Adapters.
  • Right-click on your network driver and choose Update Driver.
  • Click on Search Automatically for drivers.
  • Now, Windows will try to find the latest driver and install it automatically.

The best way to update the network driver is by using DriverFix as it has a better detection rate. If the Windows device manager cannot find the updated driver, this tool will help.

After updating the network driver, restart your computer and try to relaunch the game. Then, start playing. It should fix you have been disconnected problem in H1Z1/Z1 Battle Royal game.

2. Disable any hacking tool

Many gamers tend to use various hacking tools like Cheat Engine or anything else to get unusual advantages in multiplayer games. If you use one, disable it while playing H1Z1.

All popular game makers are using various techniques to catch those gamers. When they are caught, the game server removes them automatically.

3. Disable Proxy

  • Press Win + I to open Windows 11 or 10 settings.
  • Click on Network & Internet.
  • Then, Click on Proxy.
  • Toggle off the Automatically detect settings.
  • Click on Edit next to the Use setup script.
  • Toggle off the Use setup script.
  • Save the settings.
  • Then, click on Edit next to Use a proxy server.
  • Toggle off Use a proxy server.
  • Save the changes.

After completing these steps, rerun the game. You should no longer face that disconnect problem again.

4. Disable Firewall

  • Open Start Menu.
  • Type Control Panel and press enter.
  • Go to System & Security.
  • Then, Go to Windows Defender Firewall.
  • Now, click on Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
  • Next, check Turn off Windows Defender Firewall for both public and private networks.
  • Click on OK to save the changes.

If you use a third-party security program that has a firewall, these options may not be visible to you. In this case, you should disable the third-party firewall.

After that, follow the above steps again. It will fix h1z1 you have been disconnected.

5. Scan for viruses

An infected PC can cause various abnormal behavior. A game server may remove gamers if it finds any odd things from the gamer’s end.

So, Scan your PC with a good antivirus program like ESET Internet Security. It will automatically remove the malicious things from your PC.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.Click here to download and start repairing.

Expert tip:


After that, relaunch the game. You will not be disconnected again.

6. Verify the Integrity of game

  • Open Steam.
  • Right-click on Z1 Battle Royal and go to Properties.
  • Click on Local Files.
  • Next, click on Verify integrity of game files.

It will take a while to complete the check. If steam finds any corruption of files or cache, it will automatically solve it.

After that, relaunch Z1 Battle Royal. You won’t face you have been disconnected error again.

7. Re-install the game

7.1 Uninstall

  • Open Steam.
  • Right-click on Z1 Battle Royal.
  • Hover the cursor over Manage and then click on Uninstall.
  • Then, Click on Uninstall.

7.2 Install Again

  • Open Steam.
  • Find Z1 Battle Royal in the game library.
  • Click on Install.

Re-installing is one of the best working methods to fix h1z1 you have been disconnected. Many gamers have reported that this method has worked for them.

8. Use a different network (A gaming VPN)

Suppose your ISP’s connection is the reason you have been facing this problem. In that case, there is no other way except to use a different network. A VPN can be the best solution here.

Private Internet Access (PIA) or any other gaming VPNs can help you. Especially, the PIA is a proven VPN for any multiplayer games as it has a port-forwarding feature.

9. Use a different account

If you still encounter the same problem even after trying the above methods, it may be different. It may happen because your account has been flagged.

In that case, you should try a different account to play this game. Then, see if it fixes h1z1 you have been disconnected issue or not.

How can you avoid this disconnect problem in the future?

There is no doubt any error can hamper any online gaming experience. For a game like H1Z1 Battle Royal, it is even more true.

To make the gaming experience worse, Z1 Battle Royal may crash right after disconnecting for some gamers.

So, To avoid this type of issue, you can take a few steps.

You never should get your account flagged. Once an account has multiple violations, the disconnecting problem will often occur.

Make sure you have an excellent internet connection with good ping. A stable connection is a must to play H1Z1 smoothly.

Keep your PC virus-free with a good antivirus. Also, Update the game to the latest version.

Don’t use any hacking tools like CheatEngine. If you do, you can be disconnected anytime. Even it can lead your account to a permanent ban.

However, The above troubleshooting methods will always help get rid of H1Z1 you have been disconnect issue.

If you know anything else that can fix this problem, you can share it in the comment box.

If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:

  • game fixh1z1

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