Google’s Pixel – unveiled on Oct. 4 – is being touted as the next big thing in the smartphone revolution. In fact, experts are of the opinion that the new Pixel and Pixel XL models could prove to be nemesis of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus.

Here’s a lowdown on the battle of the two giants:

  • Google Assistant vs. Siri:

A BGR analysis describes Google Assistant as a ‘turbocharged Siri of sorts’. In the long run, Assistant will be integrated into a wide range of devices. It is anticipated that at some point, Assistant will be available on iPhone as well.

Google Assistant vs. Siri:

Siri on the other hand, is a distinctive feature of iOS, the platform on which iPhones operate. Wikipedia summarizes Siri as “an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator with a voice-interface in Apple Inc.’s iOS.  Clearly, Siri will remain exclusive for iPhone users.

Conclusion: BGR predicted – quite logically – that iPhone users will never experience the deep integration that Pixel will provide with Google’s AI software.

  • Google Photo vs. iCloud Photo:

Pixel users will get unlimited free storage via. Google Photos. Picture and video quality won’t be affected. This is probably one of the best features considering free back up services often depreciate high resolution photo quality.

Google Photo vs. iCloud Photo:

iPhone users, on the other hand, have to subscribe to paid iCloud Photo service to not compromise on photo quality.

Conclusion: Photos have become an integral part of everyday life. A free unlimited storage for photos and videos wins hands down against a paid service.

  • Google’s own VR platform vs. Apple’s third party tie-ups

Google has a pioneer in Daydream, it’s very on Virtual Reality Platform. Likewise, Pixel is compatible with Daydream, a service which can be availed through a Daydream VR set.

Google’s own VR platform vs. Apple’s third party tie-ups

Surprisingly, Apple has not ventured into VR, although it is fast becoming a sought after add on, as far as mobile devices are concerned. However, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus support several third party VR devices.

Conclusion: It’s obvious that having its own VR platform puts Google at an advantage when it comes to the Pixel vs. iPhone battle.

In addition to these distinctive advantages over iPhone, Pixel will come with Android Nougat which is available to only Nexus users as of now. Plus, the Pixel devices also come with 3.5 mm headphone jacks. iPhone has discontinued with headphone jacks, and that is not good news for audiophiles!

Google’s newest offering is definitely going to pose a major challenge to Apple’s market dominance. Let us know your take on this, in the comments section below.

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