We all might have felt annoyed and irritated due to unwanted ads popping on our browser at some point in time.

Well, Good News Folks! according to speculations, Google may introduce an ad-block in Google Chrome to ease your way out and stop annoying content obscuring advertisements. This feature, if introduced will be for both mobile and desktop versions.

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As per the latest reports, the ad-blocking feature would be turned on by default, it would filter the online ad types which result into the bad web experience.

Image Credit: http://www.businessinsider.in

According to the sources, Google could release the new update of Google Chrome with the ad blocking feature in a few weeks, though no further reports about the feature have not been provided yet.

Although Google Chrome has a feature to block pop-up ads by default. But the browser prevents all the pop-ups unless you have not whitelisted a website, it doesn’t differentiate between a pop-up or an irrelevant advertisement.

Google would be taking help from The Coalition for Better Ads  for setting the standard for better ads and eliminating ads like unwanted pop-ups, auto-play video ads, ads with a countdown as these comes under “a threshold of consumer acceptability” according to the latter.

Google may block all the offending advertisement instead of filtering them. This step could also harm other companies who count on advertising for their revenue generation to fund their businesses. With this move, all the online ad companies should have to make sure that their ads live up to the standard.

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The company got $60million revenue generated from online advertising last year, this move would seem a bit unexpected, out of the blue. This step taken can shake the foundation of online advertisement.

However, Google has taken this step due to the increased usage of third party Ad blocker. As per the sources, 26% of users have installed Ad blocker on their desktop. These ad-blocker are not relevant as they can’t differentiate between the relevant and irrelevant pop-ups or ads. The aim of introducing the feature is to reduce the uptake of third party ad blockers and enhance the user’s web experience.

With this rumored step of Google entering the world of ad-blockers, third party applications have already started changing their perspective towards the publishers.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers and with this step, it will the hearts of all. The addition of ad block will enable us to get rid of the irrelevant and annoying pop-up ads. Moreover, we don’t need to buy/install any third-party ad blocker to protect our computer.

Let’s wait when Google Chrome will release its update with an in-built ad-blocker.

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