Have you always wanted to receive mail but could just not because you currently do not have Post Boxes? It could have been from abroad, from an organizaton, or even your old pal that has no other way of delivering the package directly to you. Look no further, the Virtual Postal Box service is best for you.

This,  a new product on the market from Posta Uganda, is a Postal Address without the Post box.

How it works

When you roll on for the service, you are issued with a Postal Address but without a physical post box. All mails and parcels sent to you are received at the post office counter by providing the Postal Officer with your Virtual Postal Box details.

Related Article: Posta Kenya’s MPost service converts mobile phones into Virtual Post Office Addresses

The Costs

Acquiring the Virtual Postal Box actually costs just 75% of the current cost of a post box at whichever post office you visit. For Example, the current cost of a post box at the Wandegeya Post Office is 20,000/-. This makes the cost of the Virtual Postal Box at the office 15,000/-, 75% of 20,000/.

If at all a physical post box is availed later, a customer is issued one and they have to pay the additional 25% rate of the physical box at that particular post office.

Posta Uganda notes that the “virtual postal box service is not a replacement for physical post boxes and is therefore only available in the absence of a physical box.”