Full Form of IFC – International Finance Corporation


International Finance Corporation was established in the year 1956. International FinanceInternational FinanceInternational Finance is a section of Financial Economics that deals with the macroeconomic relationship & monetary transactions between 2 or more countries. It includes concepts like Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, FDI, & Balance of Payments etc. read more Corporation was established as a private affiliate of the WB or World Bank. IFC has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., U.S. IFC was established to infuse and advance economic development and encourage the growth of the private industry in developing economies by strictly making an investment in commercial and profitable projects and simultaneously curbing poverty in the same.

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Purpose of IFC

The purpose of International Finance Corporation are:

  • In association with the private sectorPrivate SectorThe private sector is a section of the national economy that the government does not own. The business conducted under this sector is carried out by companies or entrepreneurs who focus on profit maximization and customer satisfaction.read more investors, IFC aims to fund the foundation, improvement, growth, and expansion of the private sector industries and simultaneously pave the way for the development of its member nations.IFC seeks to attract more and more investment opportunities, national and international private capital, and experienced management.IFC even seeks to stimulate and create favorable conditions for smooth national and international private capital flow into meaningful and productive investments in member nations.


The objectives of International Finance Corporation are:

  • IFC boosts the flow of private capital (both national and international).IFC even encourages the development of private capital markets in developing and under-developed economies.International Finance Corporation(IFC) even encourages the private industry in developing economies by financing the private sector projects, offering guidance and technical assistance to the industries and the government, and assisting the companies of the developing economies in mobilizing their finances in the global financial marketsFinancial MarketsThe term “financial market” refers to the marketplace where activities such as the creation and trading of various financial assets such as bonds, stocks, commodities, currencies, and derivatives take place. It provides a platform for sellers and buyers to interact and trade at a price determined by market forces.read more.IFC also acts as a clearinghouse by bringing together private capital, experienced management, and investment opportunities.IFC actively invests in productive private industries in association with the private sector investors and, thereby, focuses on areas where required private capital is not flowing due to genuine reasons.


The five strategies of International Finance Corporation are:

  • The first strategy is to strengthen its focus on frontier marketsFrontier MarketsA frontier market refers to the economy that prevails low liquidity, poor accessibility, high risk and small market capitalization. Such a pre-emerging market is considered a developing nation with an underdeveloped capital market.read more (IDA countries and non-IDA economies) and FCS or Fragile and conflict situations.The second strategy addresses climate change, social and environmental sustainability, etc.The third strategy is encouraging the private sector’s growth, including the food supply chain, health, education, and water.The fourth strategy is to encourage the development of the local and national financial markets with the help of institution building, use, and mobilization of more innovative financial products, and focus on MSMEs or micro, small and medium enterprises.The fifth and last strategy is to build and maintain long-term relationships with clients in developing economies by fully using its products and services and stimulating transboundary growth.

How does it Work?

International Finance Corporation(IFC) considers only a few investment proposals. These investment proposals are solely selected based on their focus on establishing, improving, and growing productive privately held companies that will ultimately bring development to an underperforming economy. Agricultural, financial, industrial, and other commercial industries are eligible for International Finance Corporation funding if only their operations are found productive.

IFC is authorized to make funding as and however, it may deem fit, excluding the investment in capital stocksCapital StocksThe capital stock is the total amount of share capital (including equity capital and preference capital) that has been issued by a company. It is a way of raising funds by the company to meet its various business goals.read more and equity shares. IFC does not have a uniform interest rate policy for its investment function. In an IFC, the interest rates are to be negotiated for each case based on a few relevant factors, including the level and types of risks involved, the right to participate in profits, and so on. International Finance Corporation invests only when the enterprises have relevant experience and competent management.

Example of IFC

Pakistan ranks number four globally when it comes to the production of milk. Its small-scale dairy farmers produce almost 80 percent of the country’s milk. Instead of such huge milk production, the demand for milk has always outweighed the same supply. Poor infrastructure and conventional and ineffective processes are majorly why the country’s dairy industry has struggled to balance the demand and supply of milk. Because of an inefficient supply chain, the country’s overall milk industry has become inefficient.

International Finance Corporation contributed nearly $145 million to a Dutch co-operative, Friesland Campina, to acquire a 51 percent stake in Engro Foods, which happens to be Pakistan’s leading milk processing company. Engro Foods was now able to receive this association’s benefits and raw materials from Friesland Campina. This enhanced the productivity and efficiency of the country’s small-scale farmers and reduced their waste. This acquisition and association were expected to benefit 270,000 distributors and 200,000 farmers and create 1000 new job vacancies in Pakistan’s dairy industry.


International Finance Corporation offers investment, advisory as well as asset management services that further comprise loans, trade and supply chain financeSupply Chain FinanceSupply Chain Finance, also called Reverse Factoring, is an arrangement in which the supplier gets advance payment for receivables through a financier on behalf of the buyer. It provides significant benefits for both the buyer & the supplier. read more, equity, blended finance, treasury client solutions, syndicated loans, client risk management services, structures as well as securitized finance, liquidity management, treasury services, venture capitalVenture CapitalVenture capital (VC) refers to a type of long-term finance extended to startups with high-growth potential to help them succeed exponentially. read more, etc.


IFC is an international financial institution aiming to develop private industries in developing nations. IFC aims to create better livelihood opportunities for people to rise above poverty and enjoy a better standard of living. International Finance Corporation also offers various services in investment, advisory, and asset management.

This has been a guide to the Full Form of IFC & its definition. Here we discuss how IFC works, its strategies, objectives, and purpose, along with an example and services. You may refer to the following articles to learn more about finance –

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